But to you who fear My name; the Sun of righteousness shall arise with healings in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves. You shall trample the wicked; for they be ashes under the soles of your feet. On the day that I do this” says the Lord of hosts” Malachi 4:2 Welcome this month of August which is our month of Divine Healing. Child of God; we believed that as you have stepped into this month of great healing, you have stepped into your divine financial, marital, spiritual, physical healing. And that is the healing that will remain in all the areas of your life. When we talk of divine; it means beyond physical, supernatural, sacred, beyond human comprehension, something you cannot do it for yourself. It means attaining it by God's intervention. In the above scriptures a promise is made to those who fear the name of the Lord. A promise God made to those whose names are written in the book of life. A promise to those who are beautified from Zion. This promise which say, 'the Sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings”. The Lord told Moses in Exodus 3, that he has heard the cry of His children and has come to deliver them from bondage. He said, “tell Pharaoh to let my people go”. As the word came; Moses believed in all what the Lord said “You are blessed because you believe God will do what He has said” Luke 1:45. “He who call you is faithful, He will also do it” 1 Thess. 5:24. God perfected all and there was a great dread on the earth. The whole world was shaken because the Lord has come to deliver his children. This also happen in Judges 6, when the children of the Lord were under satanic oppression and God sent Gideon to deliver His people and great was the miracles, signs and wonders. Beloved; Jesus Christ is our healer. He is he who has promised to come with healings in His wings. Jesus Christ was chastised for us and by His stripes; we were healed. I don't know what you are going through; you should know who Jesus Christ is and what he has accomplished for you. Jesus Christ is the solution giver. He is the problem solver. He is always ready for His children. He is the WAY, the TRUTH and LIFE…” John 14:6. We need healing in all areas of our lives. In Psalm 147:3, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds…. For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds, says the Lord'. Behold, I will bring it HEALTH and HEALING; I will HEAL them and REVEAL to them the ABUNDANCE of PEACE and TRUTH” Jeremiah 33:6. Healing and Good health is an essential need in our daily lives. Everything need to be healed and be in good health. There are individuals, communities, families, business entities, educational institutions, governments, kingdoms that are sick and in need of healing. A sick business will never make a profit. A sick family or community will never produce great/successful men and women. “If my people who are called by My name (a) will humble themselves, and(b) pray and (c) seek My face, and (d)turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” 2 Chronicles 7:14. Our bodies need physical healing. Our spirit needs spiritual healing. The way your spirit man is; that is how your physical body will be. Our bodies need to be in good health so that we will be able to carry out our daily and godly given assignments on this earth. Our spirit is our main life. If we are weak spiritually; we will be weak physically. All areas of our lives need healing from infirmities, afflictions and diseases. Let us exercise our faith in God's word for healings in our lives. Let us hold unto His word and it shall surely come to pass. In 2 Chronicle 7:14; we have some obligation to fulfil for us to be healed. We need to humble ourselves before God. We need to pray and seek His face. And turn from our wicked ways, then the Lord will do the rest. May the Lord forgive all our sins, in the name of Jesus. May the Lord heal us from any kind of sickness, in the name of Jesus Christ. May the Lord heal our lands, in the name of Jesus. Quotable Quotes: A healthy Person Is a Wealthy Person. Good health is Good wealth. Prayer points 1. Father I thank you for healing me in the name of Jesus Christ. 2. I take authority over my health, in the name of Jesus Christ. 3. Any power attacking my wealth through my health. Die in the name of Jesus Christ. 4. Any pillar of darkens, supporting any power attacking my wealth through my health. Collapse in the name of Jesus Christ. 5. Thou God of restoration, restore my health in the name of Jesus Christ. Pray As The Spirit of the Lord Gives You Utterance |