By Pastor E. A. Kaulumah


Praise be to the name of  our  Lord Jesus Christ in the highest! Amen. Beloved, you are welcome to this month of May; A month of Spiritual Check-ups in our lives. Our topic for this month is what I call “Destroying the Shadow of Death”.
This will take us to the book of Job 10:21-22
Before I go to the place from which I shall not return, to the land of darkness and the shadow of death. A land as dark as darkness itself. As the shadow of death, without any order, where even the light is like darkness. (NKJV)
Before we go further, we are going to look into the two different shadows and they are contrary to each other. They are  namely:
(1)    The shadow of death   
(2)    The shadow of the Almighty
I want to remind you that the Bible is the book that sheds all the light; everything that has been hidden in the world has been exposed by the Word of God. The secret of our lives is revealed in the true Word of God. For you and I to live a successful or a victorious life, we need to walk under the guidance and leadership of the Word of God.

The Shadow of Death
There is a land known as a land of darkness; where the inhabitants of that land are always covered by darkness and they are always walking under the shadow of death. What is a shadow?  A shadow is a shade, coverage, gloom.  A lot of people are walking under this shadow of death. Many people are being oppressed by this wicked power of the devil.


To be dead means to become useless; to be wasted; to become impotent; to cease to exist; to become powerless; to render something desolate; the thing is there but it is useless it has no use again it is dead; to become valueless.

A land as dark as darkness  itself. As the shadow of death, without any order, where even the light is like darkness.
I am here to tell you the truth and not  to deceive you for the Bible says you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
We are living in the society where the people who are being born are less than those who are dying.  You find  that in some families  two or three people will die each year. It shows that many families in this nation are under the shadow of death. The enemy has turned our land into a land of death; he made it a land of darkness which is covered by the shadow of death. Many people if they hear that someone is sick their expectation is when that person will die. In Job 24:13: there  are those who rebel against the light; they know not the ways thereof, nor abide in the paths thereof.
I want to make you understand that the same way Jesus asked us to go to the whole world and make men His disciples, the same way satan the deceiver is recruiting people in his kingdom. Satan is making sure that he plants at least one person in each family so that he can be able to penetrate in that family and also to have information about that family. I know we always like to say in my family we don't know anything, it means you are ignorant of the forces of darkness and their plans.  Remember the bible says in Hosea 4:6 that  my people perish for lack of knowledge and also where there is no vision the people perish.  Satan as I was saying, gets  this people into his evil  plans to steal, kill and destroy the lives of the people (John 10:10a).
The hearts of these people the devil is using to destroy the lives of the people who are hardened by satan that they don't have their normal hearts. That is why no matter what; they still do evil except they receive the grace of God and come out of darkness. Are you reading this bulletin and the  devil has sealed your heart? Promising you heaven and earth, do not mind him he is deceiving you. Satan hates all the creation of God especially you. Do you know that there is enmity God declared between you and satan? (Gen.3:15). Reject him and come out. Don't mind his threat that if you go out he will kill you it's a typical lie and he is the father of lies. Therefore my beloved, accept Jesus in your life, in truth and in spirit and it shall be well with you.
Satan and his agents, they don't like light, they always break the rules of life. The only things that surround them are evil, death, destruction and abominations.
In the same chapter, Job 24:14 it says. The murderer rise with the light; he kills the poor and needy; and in the night he is like a thief. (NKJV)
There are groups of wicked powers known as the murderers, they wake up early in the morning before the day. When the Bible talk about early in the morning it  means waking 12am to go to their evil meetings, and to the   meetings they construct coffins and in those coffins they call precious people of God inside those coffins. When they call them inside those coffins, when their spirits appear in those coffins they bury them. When they bury them wherever that person is, he or she is already buried though he/she may still live.
There are different kinds of death. There is a spiritual death and physical death. There are different kinds of death that the enemy used to cover people’s lives. You said your business or your marriage is not doing fine, you don't know that they are under the shadow of death.

Spiritual Death
This is a terrible death for one to die.  If a person die spiritually no matter he is alive it is useless. Many people  are dead spiritually even though they seem to be alive. If you see them walking in the street you are just seeing walking corpses. That is the reason you have to be careful whom you want to fight. Many people the household witchcraft power has already finished killing them. Some of the people walking in the street, don't have some of their organs; some are not having kidneys, intestines, lungs etc.,  because the household wickedness  has swallows their organs.
For example, someone that got delivered from witchcraft told me that she  killed a school girl, I asked her if the person that she killed is still  alive or dead. She said that spiritually I have already killed her but physically she is alive. This person will die in 2010 or 2011. I asked this fellow what must be done for that person not to die in that year she programmed her. This fellow said unless she give her life to Jesus and she happen to be prayed for she will die. There is something known as the concluded agenda of the wicked. Job 24:16 the Bible says in the dark they break in the houses which they marked for themselves in the daytime; they do not know the light.(NKJV)
There are wicked personalities going about in our streets and they are the agents of death and hell. We have those wicked people in our families, places of work, in our houses and in our neighborhood who in the night  break into houses. The house the Bible is talking about here is the lives of  people. This fellow said she killed this person because she annoyed her in the day. In the day they are going about marking their victims then in the night they will go and perform their evil enterprises, they will go to do their dirty works in the night, in the night while men slept. There is a lot of wickedness that is going on during the night. During the night lots of havoc had been done in the lives of precious people of God. When the night comes, when you go to sleep, there are people who used to hold meetings in the streets, underneath the water, graveyards etc. What they are planning in  their evil meetings is how to cause sicknesses and death upon the lives of people.     Many people have been marked with the mark of death and hell.  A lot of them the enemy has made them to walk under the shadow of death. Many people the enemy has turned their land into a land of darkness because where there is darkness; there is all the roots of evil that is why the Bible says the light shine in darkness and darkness comprehend it not (John 1:5). In the dark, in the night, they break into houses which they marked in the day. That fellow also told me that witch doctors in Namibia, are blocking the eyes of the precious people of God so that precious people of God  will not receive the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Why? Because they don't want their power to be despised. There are lots of people who go to witch doctors; even in the newspapers you see how witch doctors  advertise themselves. A sister in this church said one of her colleagues in the office challenged her to leave her position; if she refuses, she will tell her grandmother in the north to come and remove her. As this sister was receiving this spiritual challenge from her colleague, she was also receiving the physical challenge. Many people who died suddenly were killed by this wicked witchcraft power. A lot of accidents you see on the roads, you don't know that those people who are dying have been  killed in the night. There are wicked people going about and they are prospering with the lives of the people of God. They killed people; shed the precious blood of people for them to become rich. You are fooling yourself to say that in your family you don't know about witchcraft. Unless you say I don't know anything about witchcraft. I know what I am talking about. Many people who don't want their family members to be born again; they know why because if they get born again they will be disgraced or their powers will become ineffective. Many women are been used by their husbands for prosperity. Women, if you see that your husband hates Jesus you need to pray. Maybe your husband will be telling you, don't go to that church, go to this our dead church, they want you to go where there is no fire of God. You used to miscarrying your babies, you don't know that there is somebody who is killing your babies right from the womb and you said is miscarriage. How is your marriage? Are you always quarreling with your spouse? In any problems you are facing in your marriage you must know that the shadow of death is covering your marriage, which you must pray to destroy in the name of Jesus. Right now close your eyes and pray this prayer:1) Every coverage in my marriage, be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus. 2)  Thou power of death and hell release my marriage and die, in the name of Jesus.  Almost unto every family, there is an evil strongman and there is an agent of death and hell who in the day mark what he will kill in the night and in the dark they break into houses and in the dark they destroy the lives which they have marked in the day. Many people who are going about they are moving about with the mark of death and hell. They are under the shadow of death. They are right inside the grave.
Beloved, you called yourself a born again Christian? How far is your spiritual life?, Is it under the shadow of death? How far is your connection with God? Do you have a relationship with Him as your father? If no, your spiritual life is under the shadow of death, you are covered by darkness. Remember in God there is no darkness everything is light. If you see that your Christian life is galloping, then you need to pray to come out of death. The Bible says in Psalm 1:1-3. In verse 3 it says …he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.(NKJV) Have your leaves withered? Do you bear fruit in your season again as a child of God? You need to check your life and pray to come out of this evil covering.
How to recognize the mark of death or if you are under the shadow of death
1.    If you see that everything you are trying to do is not moving forward,
2.    when there is no peace in your marriage
2.      no promotion
3.      no financial breakthrough
4.     sometimes you smell an evil odour like somebody who is  dead
5.     at times in the dream you see yourself inside the coffin; it means the enemy is planning to kill you
6.     In your dreams you see coffins, graveyard, open pit, dead relatives or participating burial ceremony.
7.     see someone killing young people, or you see in field  you plant your seed which germinate but while they are young they die it show that your handwork is under the shadow of death. Because wherever  death is surrounding; there will be no life.

Physical Death
Before I go to the place from which I shall not return...
The Bible makes us to know that it is appointed unto a man to die once, after that judgment follows Heb 9:27. A man is to die on this earth. He/she will either go to heaven that is eternal life or hell fire, the eternal damnation Romans 6:23. I wonder how people who think of committing suicide without having another thought where they would spend their eternity. Beloved do you think to end your suffering or heartbreak is to kill yourself? Have you asked yourself where you are going to spend your eternity after death? Do you know that if you kill yourself you are a murderer? Don't you know that if you kill yourself, you will not come back again?  Do you hear voices telling you to kill yourself? It means you are under the shadow of death. You must know that God brought you to this earth to fulfill a certain assignment. He brought you to be a light to this world. He allowed you to be born so that you might live a fulfilled and happy life. In John 10:10b … I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. I want you to know that you are not useless. You are very useful on this earth. Reject that voice calling you, telling you to live a dirty life, telling you that no one loves you, telling you to steal, to kill someone, to destroy yourself. Maybe you were molested by your father, uncle, brother or an unknown person; devil did it to cover your life. Satan is afraid of what you are going to be,  he did it  to threaten your life but say no to him, devil is a coward, arise and shine so that the Light of God will shine on you. You just have to rise up and pull off all the coverage of satan and it shall be well with you. If you did not rise, you will never shine. How will I rise? Rise to a positive thinking, rise like an eagle, rise in your mind by renewing it (Rom 12:2), forgive anyone that hurt you, love them that despised you; beloved I learnt this in a hard way, I groan and yearn in love for the people that hurt me. Tell the devil in his face that he has no power over you. Do you know that by not dealing with these problems; it will lead you into destruction and hell fire. Kill every seed of darkness in your life so that there will be no way the  devil can defeat you.  Death does not bring glory to God except the death of a saint whom God called to come home not who lives in an ignorant life and is killed by the enemy before his /her time.  Jesus loves you that is why He died on the cross of Calvary for you (John 3:16; Jere. 29:11). Stand up and take your stand in the Lord. Make a decision to enjoy all the benefits Jesus Christ made available for you.

Shadow of the Almighty God
Psalm 91:1: He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty (NKJV).
The secret place of God is a resting place of God. It is the presence of the Almighty God. When God brought the people of Israel from the land of Egypt to their promised land; it was His presence that led them in the day as the pillar of cloud and in the night as the pillar of fire. On their journey to the promised land, they defeated all their enemies, because they were under the shadow of the Almighty God. Terror of God fell upon the world because of Israel. In the presence of God is liberty, there is no darkness, everything in God is light and life. In God there is no sorrow. In His presence there is fullness of joy and at the right hand of God there is pleasure forever more (Ps 116: 11b). This presence of God is a hiding place of  His saints. It is a refuge for you as a child of God. (Ps.119:114). It is like an incubator that is incubating His children. When you are being pursued by the shadow of death and darkness, the shadow of the Almighty will always shield you. Why? Because you are a child of God and you are precious in the sight of God. He has given His angels charge over you so that you will not dash your foot against any stone (Ps 91:11). Psalm 23:4 says “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil; for you are with me”. There is a place known as the valley of the shadow of death and anybody walking on that valley is covered with death. As long as you find yourself as  a true Christian,  obedient to God, it does not matter what you are passing through, you will always excel. You will always come out victorious why? Because He is with you to the end of the world. When the people of Israel were in bondage, a decree was made by Pharaoh to kill every male child born by Israelites. That was the shadow of death that was issued against the birth of Moses, the deliverer, but God did not allow the wishes of the enemy to come to pass. Moses came to let go of the children of God? Thanks to God who prepared a table before Moses in the presence of his enemies. God delivered Moses and gave him victory because of the plan He has for him. You as a child of God, is your Moses being compassed about by darkness? Is your mantle of power still in your hand now or has the enemy taken it from you? It is not late as long as you are still breathing; call upon God and command your mantle of power to be delivered and restored unto you in the name of Jesus. From the day you open your heart and cry unto the Lord, you will begin to know your right from left and nobody will mislead you again but the Lord will be your rearguard; so that you will not dash your foot against any stone. During the  time of the birth of Jesus; a decree was made because a Saviour was born and it was that every male child must be killed but God protected Jesus under His shadow. In Christ you are more than a conqueror, (Rom. 8:37).  You are the apple of the eyes of God; (Zechariah 2: 8) but you must know that life itself is a battle. You are called to fight the battles of life. You may ask now how can I fight this battle?
Psalm 18:3-6 says I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies. The pangs of death surrounded me, and the floods of ungodliness made me afraid. The sorrows of Sheol surrounded me; The snares of death confronted me. In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came before Him, even to His ears.
You might be under the oppression of this wicked spirit called the shadow of death; there is nothing too hard for God to do. If you have not been in God's presence before better run to Him now; it's the only refuge and shelter for you as your creator (Ps. 91: 2). My beloved, there is nothing too hard for God to do. It might be your academic, marriage, spiritual, financial, and health life that have been covered by the shadow of death. Remember, the Bible says in Job 22:28 that “you will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so that light will shine on your ways”.  It does not matter the areas of your life that are under the oppression of the devil, it is time to open your mouth and command the evil shadow to be lifted out of your life and let the light of God overshadow you. In Job 22: 29: when they cast you down, and you say, “Exaltation will come!' Then He will save the humble person. It does not matter how you are cast down or how many times you have fallen in the battle field of life but what matters is how many times you rise. Have a strong heart that you will surely come out of the snare of the enemy. (Ps. 91:3) Right now close your eyes and pray this prayer: Father God deliver me from this shadow of death in the name of Jesus.

You can fight this shadow of death by:

1. Accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and  Saviour if you have not done so already.
2.   By reading and studying the Word of  God; (Josh 1:8)
3.   By standing on Christ Jesus the rock; (Matt 7:24-27)
4.  You must be prayerful and watchful; and not to  slumber. 1  Pet. 5:8
5. You have to pray aggressively or else the enemy will succeed over your life. Make sure you destroy this shadow of death totally (1 Thess. 5:17)
6.  By putting on the complete armour of God in your spirit man (Eph. 6:10-18)
7. By always make sure you are at peace with the Almighty God. (Exo.23:20-33: Ps. 91:1)
8.   Live a holy life (Lev. 19:2)


If you have not yet accepted Jesus into your heart or you are not sure if you are truly born again. Please, pray this prayer with sincerity and confidence in your heart.
Lord Jesus, I come to you today; I am a sinner, I cannot help myself, forgive me all my sins, wash me with your blood. Remove my name from the book of the dead and write my name in the book of life. Thank You Lord Jesus. Now if you have  prayed this prayer with sincerity and confidence in your heart, you are  born again.
Note: Now that you are born again, join a Bible believing church where the Word of God is taught openly. God bless you.


1.    I command every shadow of death and hell  covering my life,  to disappear, in the name of Jesus.
2.    Every cloud of darkness hovering over my heaven be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus.
3.    Thou power of destruction over this ..... area of my life     be consumed by the fire of God, (pray seriously and mention any area of your life that is covered by death),      in the name of Jesus.
4.    I command darkness to disappear and light of God  to appear in my life;  in the mighty name of Jesus.
5.    From today I hide under the shadow of the Almighty in     the mighty name of Jesus.
6.    You my life be restored to the fullness, in the name of  Jesus.
(Pray as the Spirit of God gives you utterance)

By Pastor E. A. Kaulumah


I give praise to the Almighty God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who made it possible for this bulletin. May His name be glorified forever!  Amen.
Brethren, we still continuing with our topic in this month of April “THE BLINDNESS OF THE HEART” this will still take us to the book of Ephesians 1:17 -18a
“that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being  enlightened;  (NKJV)
The Bible says that wisdom is a principal thing… Prov. 4:7a. There is no way you can be able to treasure the word of God without the spirit of wisdom. Wisdom is the main thing to get in this journey of life.
Listening to wisdom means listening to Holy Spirit. The Word of God from the first book of the Bible to the last is the Wisdom of God. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. (NKJV)
When the spirit of wisdom comes in you, it will open the door for revelation, where the mystery in the word of God will be revealed unto you because the secrets of the Lord are with them that fear Him. (Ps. 25:14a) In this revelation; you will get knowledge and knowledge will open the door for understanding.
Wisdom -   Revelation    -  Knowledge -     understanding This small illustration above shows you how it works.
Without the Word of God, there is no way you will get wisdom. If you refuse to read and study the Word of God, you cannot gain the mystery  in the Word of God. When you start reading your Bible, always pray for God to give you the spirit of wisdom; so that you will not read the  Bible like you are reading a novel.
Wisdom is the door of all doors. Wisdom is the basic; the most important pathway you have to take that will lead you to the mystery of the Word of God. When you have the spirit of wisdom; it will shield you from destruction and you will not be destroyed with the wicked or the ignorant Christians.
The Bible says that a man’s gift will make a room for him (Prov. 18:16): it means when you discover your gifts, you still need wisdom to know which door to enter and which one not to enter. When your gift begins to make room for you locally and internationally; you still look for wisdom to find Him and that is when your days will be prolonged so that you will not live unfulfilled life.
Are you a business man/woman? You need the wisdom of God on how to handle your business. Are you a married man/woman? You need wisdom on how to handle the issues of marriage. Are you a public servant?  You need wisdom on how to handle public matters. Are you a community leader? You need wisdom on how to lead your community. Pastor, you need the wisdom of God to lead the flock which God entrusted in your hand. In fact, In everything you are doing, you need the wisdom of God. It is wisdom that will make you to know what to speak, how to speak, where to speak and whom to speak to.
It is wisdom  that will make you to know that you are not saved because you are a pastor’s wife, child or you came from a Christian family, but you are saved because you accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour and you continue walking with Him.
The Bible says that the wisdom of God is foolishness unto the people of the world but to us His children is wisdom.
Wisdom will help you not to fall in the trap of the enemy. Wisdom is the Word of God that is a light unto our path and a lamp unto our feet (Ps.119:105). Maybe you are one of the Christians that are lamenting that Christian journey is hard. No, it is not hard my brother/my sister, you just have to pray the right prayer concerning  the wisdom of God so that you can operate the way God wants you to operate. A lot of Christians are being destroyed because they lack the wisdom of God.
There are stumbling blocks on this journey of life, wisdom will help you to avoid mistakes or when you fall into mistake, you will know how to come out. What make people to stumble is lack of wisdom. It is wisdom for you not to strife with anybody. It is wisdom to forgive. Wisdom will help you to walk in the narrow path. He will always point the word of God to you. And it will always brightens your day and your future will be secured in the Lord. Wisdom will give you honour. Wisdom will give you favour from God. Wisdom will give you life.
…and revelation in the knowledge of Him…
God always long for a relationship with you. He wants to show you the depth and height and width of His Word by opening your eyes to see the secrets that is in His Word and grant you  knowledge of what He means in that particular verse. It might sound strange to you, but every single letter in the Word of God has a meaning for you as a child of God.
The Word of God will help you to know who is God to you. He will reveal His characters to you, what He likes and does not like and to know what He is able to do and what He cannot do.
For example we know that our God is so faithful that He cannot lie, God cannot change, and God cannot fail you. He is ever the same, He keeps what He says. He is a covenant keeping God. God is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent.
You will begin to operate according to the knowledge of God in you. If you do not know God as a provider, there is no way you will wait for Him to provide for you. You will always be struggling, trying to fix things your own way and at the end you get nothing.
Prov. 3:5.Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And lean not on your own understanding; it is wisdom for us to depend upon God for all things whether it is hard or easy.
It is good to desire good things like  fame, solution to our  problems, but without wisdom on how to handle the blessings; it will end up destroying  you.
Many times, Christians always fall into the same sin   and continue making the same mistakes. Why?  Because they always lean on their own understanding and refuse to depend upon God. It is very important to depend upon God and you will enjoy  this Christian journey.
When you know the Bible, Word of God as the World greatest book; it will help you to read and study to know the mind of God. Your God is a King and you as His child is a prince/princess. You see the prince and princess of this world how they  lift up their heads high; that is how you as a child of God supposed to lift up your face and fly high like an eagle and fly above all the troubles of this world. You have to know that Jesus has set you free and took you from the dust and He lifted you above  principalities and powers. You have to know your God and know what Jesus has done in your life. You have to know that He was sorrowful for you to be happy; He was rejected for you to be accepted. Devil will only defeat you when he knows  that you do not know your right as a child of the King who rules over the whole creation and He is the Creator of heaven and earth. When you gain knowledge of who you are and whom God has made you to be, you will stop limiting yourself, but always operating in the way the Word of God says.
I have seen many Christians being destroyed, why? Because of lack of knowledge, the Bible says that my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). It is a very important issue. You have to study the Word of God, to know the heart of your Father, what He wants you to know, so that you will not be living by what people say you are. Become a prophet  to yourself. Do  not ran any where you hear there is a prophet and sometimes the message you receive is contrary to what God said concerning you; and your life will go the way of the word they spoke in your life.
My brother/sister, it is high time that you draw closer to God to know His desire and plans for you.(Jer. 29:11)
The eyes of understanding being enlightened…
My dear brother/sister, your life as a Christian is very precious in the eyes of God, which Christ has already paid everything that concerns you.
In terms of love, God loves you so much that He gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for you. He came and set you free from the bondage of sin.
It is really a miracle that you are in the kingdom of God. The second pursuit you have to make is to understand the Word of God, which will bring hope to your hopeless situation, light to every dark part of your life and strength to your spirit to continue this Christian journey. The Bible says in Prov. 4: 7 “wisdom is a principal thing; in all thy getting get understand.
When you get the wisdom of God which is the first step to the Word of God, God is also telling you to get understanding. To understand the things of the spirit. Understanding is to know how to apply wisdom
Understanding will help you to know when evil is lurking its tongue for you to lick. You can be able to say no, that the Bible says that evil communication corrupts good manners; you will understand that you do not have to play with sin. You will separate yourself from unbelievers (2 Cor 6:14-16). It is not that you will not talk with them or play with them but you distance yourself from their activities. It is  advisable in the word of God to dwell with your brethren in the Lord for exhortation and edification but when you do not have this understanding you will start arguing with the Word of God. It is this lack of understanding that makes Christians to argue with the Word of God. When you start arguing or doubting the Word from the Holy Bible it means you are very far from God. You need to draw near so that the light of God's Word will radiate in your mind. The bible says that Phillippians 2:5 “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus”. (NKJV)
The mind of Jesus is to be obedient to the heavenly calling. It is to live a holy life because the Bible says that you must be holy as your heavenly Father is holy (Lev. 19:2) The mind of Jesus means the wisdom of God, the knowledge and also the understanding who your Father has called you to be. David said in the book of Psalm 18:29 that through God that he  can ran through a troop of his enemy and leap over the wall. You have to understand that you are in the battle field of life and the kingdom of God is not butter and honey but is for the strong mind that have decided to follow Jesus in any condition. When a situation  looks like God is no longer with you, you will remember the time of Jesus when it seemed that God and His Hosts had forsaken Him but He endured because He understood  the purpose of His calling.
Do you understand the purpose of your calling or you are just following the multitude and not the elect of the Lord? Are   you just doing things because others are doing it? Are you in the church because people are in the church?  Do you know why Christ redeemed you? 

How to receive the spirit of Wisdom
1.    Ask wisdom from God: Solomon the King in 2 Chronicle 1: 1-10 where the king cried out loud to God to grant him the spirit of wisdom and understanding.
Solomon sought to know the mind of God, he must had been reading the word of God but he could not  judge the people of Israel with human knowledge and understanding. He needed the supernatural wisdom not the one he read in the school  but from God. Like many Christians of today, they want to mix the wisdom of God with their own wisdom. It cannot work except you go to God in prayer and ask; then He will grant you answers to  your prayers (Matt 7:7-8)
2.    Walk in humility (Prov. 11:2): Begin to see yourself that you are just like a pencil in the hand of God. Your physical accomplishments will not block your spiritual growth. When you hear the Word of God, you will no longer be offended when God is talking to you. You will not see your husband, children, that brother/sister but you always see yourself; then wisdom will follow you. When you are humble before your God, you do not despise the chastening of the Lord nor detest His correction, because  He loves you, that is why He is correcting you.  (Prov. 3:11-12) God knows your weakness and strength, go to Him in truth and in spirit for Him to change your mind and give you heavenly understanding, which will enable you to pass through the thorns of life..
3.    Walk in the Fear of the Lord which is     the beginning of all wisdom:(Prov. 9:10):  This verse means that you reverence God and be obedient to His Word. Many Christians say they fear God, but they are not ready to obey God. They are not ready to do what God is telling them to do. Fear of God will help you to know that God is merciful and also a consuming fire. It will help you to surrender to God in every situation.
4.    Seek, Search for Wisdom, Knowledge     and understanding: (Prov. 1:20-21; 8:1-6): In 2 Chronicle 1: 10-12 you will see how Solomon asked for wisdom with all his heart and in humility; he did not only receive wisdom and knowledge but riches,  wealth and honour.  Wisdom and knowledge is the root of God's blessings. It will make you to sit with kings and queens.  It will bring honour to your door steps. Others will be perishing because of lack of knowledge, but you as a child of God will know the seasons of God and operate in them. Wisdom is calling out to you, open your heart and let Him come in. Continue seeking and knocking and God will definitely answer you. He said that we should draw near to Him with our whole hearts and He will draw near to us. Call God in humility today and he will answer you in Jesus name.
Noah operated in the wisdom of God, because he knew the heart of God that is why when God gave him an assignment to build the ark, he knew that whatsoever God says must come to pass. You as a child of God, when you ask for the spirit of wisdom and knowledge it will make you to know what your Father in heaven can do and what He cannot do.  Noah was on the construction of the ark, people mocked him but he stood because he knew those people did not understand God. Their eyes were blinded. Do you always compromise with the things of this world that will perish with this world? When people are mocking you, do you try to do what they are asking you to do or you hide your identity as a child of God? Do you always try to please the unbelievers who do not know the Word of Go? My brother/sister, God wants you to be a distinguished child of Him; whom He will be proud of by understanding what He is telling you to do and to stand
high not bending. He wants you to be a light on this earth. Our God is a jealous God, His glory; He will not share with anybody. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and other things shall be added unto you (Matt 6:33) Wisdom is the kingdom of God. The word of God is what governs His kingdom. You have to seek to do things that pleases God and walk in His righteousness and other things shall be added unto you.  You see Solomon as an example, who seek the kingdom and God granted him riches, wealth and honour. Are you looking for riches, wealth and honour? Seek God first  and other things are secondary. Seek the Word of God, know the word of God, apply the Word of God  in your life and other things shall be added unto you.
5.    Listen to Wise Counselling and you will grow in wisdom (Prov.12: 15)
If you associate with the wise people, they will impart     wisdom in you and you will become wise.
6.    Value Wisdom above silver and gold (Prov.16:16)
It’s only God that will give you wisdom how to make money, but when you make money,  first, you still need to depend on wisdom,  how  to spend, invest and use your money or else your money will disappear and  you will live like you have never made any money in your life.
In conclusion, my brother/sister ask for this precious spirit that comes only from God. James 1:5 ”If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be granted to Him (NKJV)    
You need to go to the Almighty Father, call Him to grant you this request. Open your heart to Him; tell Him the truth about yourself. He just needs your sincerity (Matt 7:7-8).
Then you will start walking in obedience, patience and faith in the Lord, despite anything that may comes your way.


If you have not yet accepted Jesus into your heart or you are not sure if you are truly born again. Please, pray this prayer with sincerity and confidence in your heart.
Lord Jesus, I come to you today; I am a sinner, I cannot help myself, forgive me all my sins, wash me with your blood. Remove my name from the book of the dead and write my name in the book of life. Thank You Lord Jesus. Now if you have  prayed this prayer with sincerity and confidence in your heart, you are  born again.

Note: Now that you are born again, join a Bible believing church where the Word of God is taught openly. God bless you.


1.    O Lord, grant me the spirit of wisdom in the name of  Jesus.
2.    O Lord, open my eyes to your Word in the name of Jesus.
3.    Any power fighting my spiritual life, catch fire in the name of Jesus.
4.    Let the fire of revival come upon my spiritual life; in the name of Jesus
5.    You my prayer altar receive the fire of revival in the name of Jesus. 

By Pastor E. A. Kaulumah


Praise the Lord! Alleluia! Blessed people of God I welcome you in this month of February.
May it be a blessed month full of testimonies, signs and wonders in  every area of your life in the name of Jesus.   
We are in our second episode of our topic “RETURN TO ME” SAYS THE LORD OF HOSTS
This will take us to Zechariah 1:3
“Therefore say to them, “Thus says the LORD  of Hosts: “Return to Me,” says the Lord of hosts, “and I will return to you,” says the Lord of hosts. (NKJV)
This is another divine invitation from the Lord. It is God’s heart cry  to you His child.
Our God has seen the abominations that are on the face of earth.
Our God , the Creator of Heaven and earth,  is calling you in this hour that you must return to Him despite all that has happened in your life.  He is stretching His hands towards you to come back to Him.
Have you asked yourself why the world seems to be against you? It is because you are far from God.
Have you looked around your environment to  see what is happening: how old and young people indulge themselves in sin. It is because they are far from God.
The Word of God says that in Isaiah 59:1-2 Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; Nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear. But your iniquity has separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear. (NKJV)
It is a pity that people are committing sin without any remorse and they do not care about the consequences.
My dear brother/sister, Bible says that the soul that sins shall die. Nobody will die on your behalf; your family cannot die for you.
Are you surprised why there are more death news. It is because of sin. Roman 6:23

The Consequences Of Sin

1.    Sin will sink your life;
only  weeping and gnashing of teeth;     Matt:22:13
3.    Sin will demote your life;
4.    Sin will take you from the head to the tail.
5.    Sin will blacklist your life;
6.    Sin is a hard task master: it will always     go before you to block every good thing     that wants to come your way.
7.    Sin will make you to have unfulfilled life;
8.    Sin will  always bring shame and disgrace in your life;
9.    Sin will enslave your life;
10.     Sin is the plantation of devil to destroy your life.
11.     Sin will continuously lead you to the  wrong people, wrong things and wrong ways.
12.    Sin is a direct passport to hell fire.
13.    Sin is an unfriendly friend. Therefore, you  must hate sin and separate yourself from it.
Have you asked yourself this question: What makes me to commit sin? It is because the devil has enslaved you and now he is claiming ownership over your life. Epistle of 1 John 3: 4-9;  
Sin is sweet like honey,  it is a way that leads to destruction but at the end sin becomes bitter. It will always want to keep you in bondage. Today God is asking you to return to Him and He will return to you, means He will accept you despite all the abominations you have committed.
My dear brother/sister, the Word of God says in Rev 3:20  Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to Him and dine with Him, and He with Me (NKJV)
It is a special invitation from God to you to come back. He wants to save, deliver and restore you to the fullest. He wants you to acknowledge His presence that He is your Saviour and it shall be well with you.
Some people always think that their sins are too much and God cannot be able to forgive them. Others think that their sins are too little therefore they don’t need to ask forgiveness from God.  There is no small or big sins, they are all equal before God and their penalty is the same.
You are reading this bulletin now, you know what the enemy(devil) had attached in to your life.  It might be that you are a murderer. Come back to your God, He will forgive you no matter how many people you have  killed.
You may be a prostitute, an armed robber, slanderer, gossiper, thief, smoker, adulterer, idolater, etc..  Galatians  5:19-21:
Now the works of flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those  who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. (NKJV)
Can’t you see there is a bondage in your life?  God is calling you so that He will set you free from this bondage.
Are you one of those that rely on witch doctor? Can’t you see that you are going to the devil to receive help that does not last?  God is asking you in Isaiah 55:2:
Why do you spend money for what is not bread. And your wages for what  does not  satisfy?
You may have gone to a witch doctor seeking for peace.  Why do  you spend your money looking for solution where there is no solution? Looking for help where there is no help? Sleeping in the witch doctor’s house, etc. All these my brother/sister is not bread.  They are destruction from the devil to lure your life to hell fire. May  I ask you now? Have you found peace? Certainly not. Because what the devil is doing is that he will remove one problem and put another. He has nothing to offer to you, the creation of God except destruction.  His mission in your life is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10a).  Come to Jesus the true peace giver, He will fill your life with peace. God does not withhold any good thing from His children. He does not count iniquity as long as you come to Him and confess He will forgive and forget.
Many people have  gone to places in search for peace, wealth and solutions to their problems. They think if they acquire money, drive the latest cars, live in a big house, travelled around the world that they will have peace.
Instead of peace, they  become miserable and confused. It might be that in search of power, peace and wealth you ended up in the mouth of the devil.  To the extent that you don’t know how to come out now. My dear come back to Him, call upon the Almighty God: He is able to deliver and set you free from the shackles
and chains of hell.
Money is good but without Christ, it will bring sorrow upon sorrow.
You might be an adulterer, you want to stop cheating on your spouse but you don’t know how to do it. It is only Jesus that can break the chain of infidelity in your life.
Are you a lesbian or gay, do you know that the devil wants to use you to change the creation and ordinances of God? Do you know that’s what turning your life upside down? You are captured by the devil himself but I have good news for you!  Just come back to God and He will deliver and change your life and you become a new person in Christ.
God is calling the smokers,  drunkards, gamblers,  to return to Him and He will quench the thirst of sin and also give you grace to overcome these demons that have been tormenting your life to the extent that you cannot have money in your  pocket.
It does not matter the sin you have committed, Come back to your creator and accept the free gift He gave you! Jesus of Nazareth, that it may be well with you and your family. Isaiah 1:18:
Let us go to the book of Isaiah 55:1-3
“Ho! Everyone who thirsts, Come to the waters; and you who have no money, Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance. Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; And I will make an everlasting covenant with  you. The sure mercies of David.(KWA)
God has seen your cry, sorrow, and tears of your heart. He has seen the anguish of your spirit. He knows the pains, rejections, limitations in your life which made Him to call you today to return to Him and He will give you rest.
He is the only One that can give you rest.
Listen carefully my brother/my sister.  God has decided to step into your situation  because He loves you and He knows the thought that He thinks towards you; thought of good and not of evil to give you an expected end. (Jeremiah 29:11)
God has a better plan for you. He is thinking  good things towards you.
It is not the will of God for you to be in sorrow, pain, confusion, poverty, marital distress, sickness, rejection, limitations etc. But His will for you is to have an abundant life  (John 10:10b).
Remember, God created you in His likeness; when He is looking at you, He sees Himself. He wants good things in your life which salvation is number one plan He has for you right from the day that He created you because He knows that if you are saved you will be safe. He wants to have a relationship with you. He needs you in His kingdom.
There is no peace outside God.  Jesus Christ is the free gift from God  to you.
God is calling you in Isaiah 55:1-2. He is the Living water, because John 4:14 says “But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give Him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life”. (NKJV)
Jesus is the eternal peace and answer to the whole world.
You can see  Verse 1: God is calling you to come and drink from the well of life which is Jesus Christ; the free gift God gave to us to be redeemed, saved and restored back to what He created us to be.
God is not asking you to pay any money in order to get this living water. It’s free for all.
In verse 3   
You may ask me now; “Who is this Jesus Christ, Is He real? Can He really take me out of this mess? Will He be able to help me?
Jesus Christ is the only Way, the Truth and Life (John 14:6).
He is our Saviour and the Prince of Peace.     Through Him we receive forgiveness (Acts 5:31). Jesus is our redeemer.
Jesus Christ is the only Way made available by God for us to reach to Him.
He is the only one that can set you free from the bondage of satan.
For  all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed. Roman 3:23-25.(NKJV)
We have all sinned against God and is only  the Blood of Jesus that can connect you back to God and also set you free. I was once a sinner but when Jesus came into my life He forgave  and cleansed me with His blood,  now I am a changed person. Jesus is able to do so in your life.
Today is the day and now is the time for you to call upon Him. Call Him now, Jesus please come and take me out of this trouble.


1.    Acknowledge you are a sinner;
2.    Confess your sins (1 John 1:8-9)
3.    Ask Him to forgive you
4.    Believe you are saved (John 6:37)


If you have not yet accepted Jesus into your heart or you are not sure if you are truly born again Please, pray this prayer with sincerity and confidence.
Lord Jesus, I come to you today; I am a sinner, I cannot help myself, forgive me  my sins, wash me with your blood. Remove my name from the book of the dead and write my name in the book of life. Thank You Lord. Now  I am born again.

NOTE: Now you are a born again Christian. Look for a Bible believing church where holiness is taught openly to join where you will be nourished with the Word of God.


1.    Every seed of bondage in my life; be removed in the name of Jesus.
2.    Every yoke of sin in my life be crushed to powder, in the name of Jesus.
3.    Let the Blood of Jesus redeem every area of my life in the wonderful name of Jesus.
4.    Every satanic deception working against my life, be exposed and be destroyed in the name of Jesus.
5.    O Lord let me dwell in your presence always in the name of Jesus.

By Pastor E.A. Kaulumah


We are going to talk to the Lord; if the enemy vowed that he will pull you down he will do it. That's why we need to take these prayers now.
1.    Thou power of limitation that has vowed that I will not arise and shine, you are a liar die in the name of Jesus.
2.    Any Battle from the water, any battle from the graveyard, any battle from the forest, any power from the heavenlies, any battle from my father's house, any battle from my place of work, waiting for the day of my glory, in order to protest against me, what are you waiting for, catch fire in the name of     Jesus.
3.    Thou power of the serpent attacking my     prosperity, attacking my breakthrough,     attacking my marriage, attacking my     promotion, what do you think you are     doing, die in the mighty name of Jesus.
4.    Every satanic prophet, hired to curse me        what are you waiting for, die in the name of         Jesus.
5.    All my good doors that have been closed against me, by the evil powers in the name of     Jesus, I command you now open by fire in  the name of Jesus.
The topic we are going to look at this month is what I call the “The Blindness Of The Heart”. Praise the Lord!
A lot of people are spiritually blind that is why  they cannot be able to possess their possessions.  If the heart of a person is blinded there is no way one can see the glory that the Lord had prepared for him/her. If your heart is blinded there is no way you can receive salvation. If your heart is blinded there is no way you can get the truth which is in the Word of God.
Ephesians 1: 15-17 “Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches  of the glory of His inheritance in the saints”.(NKJV)
Paul was talking to the Ephesians that when He heard their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, He was so happy that he never stopped praying for them.  What was the purpose of his prayers?
His prayers was for the  eyes of  their understanding to be opened.


If the spirit of revelation is upon you, you will know the secrets of the Lord. The Bible says that the secrets of the Lord are with them that fear  Him.. (Psalm 25:14). The Bible says the deep and secret things belong to God... (Deut 29:29) You will only know the secrets which are in the Word of God if He has released the anointing of revelation upon you. Because when you are reading the Word of God without the anointing of revelation, you will not understand the mystery in the Word of God; the Word of God is like a closed book,  but  if you begin to mediTate on the Word of God under the anointing of His revelation, you will begin to discover the mystery that is in the Word of God. You will have a clear understanding  when it says that the “Just shall live by faith”; you understand that you don't need to see anything for you to believe that the Lord has changed your situation.  As I am talking to you now, I am praying that God as you are talking to your people, reveal the mystery that is in your Word to them,  because without the revelation power of God in your life, your Christian life will be in frustration.  The glory of the Lord will never  be revealed unto you. It says “…give you the spirit of wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of Him (Ephesians 1:17)”  THERE ARE EYES KNOWN AS THE EYES OF UNDERSTANDING, if your eyes of understanding are not enlightened; you cannot understand the mystery of God.  When people begin to tell you that without holiness you cannot see God, you will not understand it. When you begin to  read the Bible and you come across  that “BY THE STRIPES OF JESUS YOU ARE HEALED”, if your eyes of understanding are not open there is no way you can receive the promise of the Spirit. Galatians 3:13-14 “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith”. (NKJV)
These  scriptures will become meaningful  or useful in your life if the  eyes of your understanding happen to be enlightened. With our carnal mind we cannot understand the things of the Spirit because they are spiritually discerned. A lot of Christians are living frustrated lives because the eyes of their understanding are not opened. When your eyes of understanding happened to be opened the Word of God will become living  in your life. The reason why a lot of people are struggling to live a Christian life is because their eyes of understanding are not yet opened. The devil knows that the first thing he will try in every Christian is to block them from understanding the truth. The Bible says you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. Without knowing the truth there will be no freedom, when the bible is talking about knowing the truth it means knowing Jesus and Jesus will set you free. There are forces of darkness in the spiritual realm, their assignment is to block or even close the mind of the people forever not to receive the Word of God. Ephesians 4: 17”This I say, and testify in the Lord that you should no longer walk as the rest of the gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind”(NKJV)
Many people are living in foolishness which they call faith. The bible says the faith that has no work is dead. For example You are sitting down  believing that you have a job but  you do not go out to look for one, that your faith is foolishness.
The Bible says that we must not work in the vanity of the mind of the gentiles. What is the vanity of the mind of the gentiles? The unbelievers are saying: seeing is believing, that is to say,  they cannot believe something that they cannot see, they only believe what they see while the Bible says we must not believe what we have seen because we see it already. The Vanity of the Gentiles, They Walk in the Flesh and not in the Spirit. They are living by feeling, they speak what they see, they speak what they feel, their lives are according to the report /plan of people. They are not living according to the Word of God. That is why the Word of God is telling us that we must not live the way they are living. The world will say it is impossible but the Word of God says “with God all things are possible” the Word of God says “ you can do all things through Christ that  strengthened you” if the world says there is nothing, the Word of God says God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.
Brethren, the Word of God will not manifest or be fruitful in your life, if your eyes of understanding are not open. Until the eyes of your understanding are opened that will only time the Word of God and His promises will bring changes in your life.  If your eyes are blinded, you will be far from understanding the ways of God, people will preach to you but because of the veil that is covering your heart you will not receive the Word of God. You will be worshiping in a place where there is anointing of God, you will not receive anything. Why? your heart is blinded, others will be receiving their healing and blessings, but you will get nothing.


Blindness means darkness. When one is in the dark, you cannot see anything.
Blindness means ignorance. When one is living carelessly. They don't believe in anything. They  just  Many pastors  carry their bible claiming the call of God, go to Bible college from there they will come back with human knowledge without encountering God . When they preach there is no manifestation of the power of God in their words. The reason why you see that many people in Namibia are resisting the gospel is because their eyes of understanding  had been closed.
For you to understand the Word of God, you need to pray for the veil on your spiritual eyes to be removed. Every day I'm praying for God to open the eyes of my church members so that they will understand the mystery in His Word so that they  receive the promise of the Spirit.
If your eyes are open, you will begin to understand when the Bible says “if God be for us who can be against us? The day your eyes of understanding are going to open, that is the day your promotion will come, you will have an inner conviction when the Bible says “you  shall be the head and not the  tail, you will begin to walk straight and not bending anywhere you find yourself. The day your eyes will open, you will read your Bible and you will know that the Word of God says, “your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost” From that day even if doctors tell you that you are HIV positive, you will begin to look at yourself that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and not the temple of HIV and Aids. YOUR BODY CANNOT BE THE TEMPLE OF HIV BECAUSE GREATER IS HOLY GHOST THAT IS IN YOU THAN THE HIV THAT IS IN THE WORLD.
The Bible says that light shineth in darkness and darkness comprehend it not (John 1:5), from that day , you will begin to look at yourself as a child of light and there is no way darkness can be in your life because Jesus Christ is in you and He is the LIGHT OF GOD. He will shine in every area of your life and nothing can stop Him.
This blindness of the heart had made you not to see the free gifts of God that He bestows upon you.
Healing has been freely given unto you, no matter how terrible that sickness might be. As long as you find yourself in Almighty God's family; that sickness cannot kill you. It can only kill you if you do not know that greater is Jesus Christ, the Light of God that is in you.  You can not accept that you are sick. When Jesus is living in your body, sickness will not be there. The devil will come and tell you that; see how you are feeling? You  tell the devil that I am not living by feeling but by faith.
When it comes to needs, you will understand that God had already supplied all your needs before you need them. Devil may ask you, where are you going to get it now? Tell the devil that the earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof, I as a child of God, I have more than what I need because I know that my God can touch the heart of anybody to bless me. I don't worry about what others are crying for or afraid of; I know and I believe that whatever I lay my hands to do shall prosper. I am not disturbed about the current economic situation; I don't worry about the time of the year, month or week.
As a business woman/man even if there are no customers to buy from other sellers, I know my business will make good sales  every day. My business/job is operating under the anointing from the third heaven, therefore I will make it. I don't know about others, but as for me: favour is my name, my children and I are anointed for signs and wonders, because it is written that through me many families shall be blessed. I am a channel of blessings, for God to bless His people.  He will release His blessings upon me, because through me many people will be blessed. Without me they will not be blessed. I am not living by what the people say but according to  the Words of God.
The greatest miracle to receive apart from salvation is the revelation of the Word of God in your life.  When your eyes of understanding have not open, you cannot see your divine opportunities and  the chariot of fire that surrounds you. You cannot see the way the Lord has made for you in the wilderness. You can not see the water the Lord has made for you in the desert. You cannot see the fourth man in the fire in the problem that you are in.
Without Jesus in your life you cannot win any battle in your life and without Him, you cannot see the kingdom of God. Without Jesus you can see high ranking people in the world but you will never see God.
JESUS SAID “...UNLESS A MAN IS BORN AGAIN, HE CANNOT SEE THE KINGDOM OF GOD (John 3:3) . When you are born again, you will be connected to the third heaven, but if you are just coming to church, without Jesus you are like a tortoise  inside the sea, if you bring it out it is still as hard as it was in the water.
You are reading this bulletin, you have never given your life to Jesus. This is the time to do so, because you have been like a body without a head, a ship without a captain. My beloved, life without Jesus is confusion, darkness and frustration.  JESUS IS THE ONLY TRUE VINE, (JOHN 15:1-2) HE IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE  HE IS THE ONLY TRUE DOOR, OTHER DOORS ARE FAKE AND OTHER DOORS ARE LEADING TO DESTRUCTION.
This is the time to accept Jesus in your heart as your personal Lord and Saviour because the Bible says that today is the day of your salvation, you must not harden your heart. I know that you want to understand the Word of the living God and is  only through Jesus. Jesus wants to come to you so that He can give you spiritual understanding and revelation of His Word, so that He can heal you, give you an abundant life and then He will take you into His everlasting Kingdom.



If you have not yet accepted Jesus into your heart or you are not sure if you are truly born again Please, pray this prayer with sincerity and confidence in your heart.
Lord Jesus, I come to you today; I am a sinner, I cannot help myself, forgive me all my sins, wash me with your blood. Remove my name from the book of the dead and write my name in the book of life. Thank You Lord Jesus. Now if you pray this prayer with sincerity and confidence in your heart, you are  born again.


1.    Any spiritual darkness covering my life, scatter     in the name of Jesus.
2.    Any spiritual confusion overshadowing my life, scatter in the name of Jesus.
3.    Thou powers of spiritual blindness blocking my spiritual eyes from seeing the glory of God,         your time is up die in the name of Jesus.
4.    Every spiritual umbrella covering my eyes catch fire in the name of Jesus.
5.    Every agent of sickness moving about in my body waiting for the day of maturity in order to take me to the grave, die in the name of Jesus.
6.    Every witchcraft agent inside my house that the enemy is using to scatter my prosperity, today     wherever you are now catch fire in the name of     Jesus.
7.    I cover you with the blood of Jesus and I release     the presence of God upon you all in the name of     Jesus.

By Pastor E.A. Kaulumah


Hallelujah! I want to welcome you in this year of Unexplainable   God’s Divine Intervention and this wonderful month of January in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. A month of A Call Unto Repentance.
This is a season of conviction, amendment and returning to the Lord.
I want us to look at this topic with our whole heart.
This will take us to the book of Jeremiah chapter 3:1
“They say,’ If a man divorces his wife, and she goes from him. And becomes another man’s ,May he return to her again?”
Would not that land be greatly polluted? But you have played the harlot with many lovers; Yet return to me,” says the Lord.(NKJV)
There is a call from the Almighty God. A call from the heart of the Living God; who is calling you His creation to return back to Him.
He is calling you back unto Him His precious children that have backslidden; I want you to return to me. I am not talking about the distant you have gone from me. I am not talking about the sin you have committed but He is calling you to come back to Him in the truth and in the Spirit.
I want you to know my beloved, that Heaven is real and hell fire is real too. When God is speaking to you He doesn’t waste His Words, the reason why He is calling you is because you have drifted away from Him.
God is not telling you that you have gone away from Him in order to condemn you; but  it is part of His love. (Hebrew 12:5-6). He said my beloved children, come you who have gone to a far country which you do not know, eating strange food which you do not know, sleeping in  a pigsty and eating the pig’s food but you are  princes and princesses of  Almighty God.(1 Peter 2:9)
The reason why you are in frustrations, depressions, and confusion, is because you have gone far away from the Lord. “RETURN TO ME” that means come to your original position which the Lord has created for you. As we have lost the likeness of God in the Garden of Eden, so we have regained it in the garden of Gethsemane; why do you want to loose it again?
The devil’s  day by day desire  is for you to   go far  away from the God of your fathers. When you are talking about going away from the God of your fathers does not mean that you don’t go to church.
You can be in the church, singing loud in the church, preaching wonderful messages in the church, being a deacon/deaconess, elder in the a church, but your heart have gone away from  the Lord. The Lord is looking for you.
Heaven is looking for you today asking; where are you? It means you are not where the Lord wants you to be, you are not doing what God wants you to do. God is asking you today “who told you” that you are naked? I know that I left beautiful trees for you  in the garden to eat but I only pleaded with you not to eat one of those trees, Just one tree! Have  you eaten that tree that I commanded you not to eat or touch? Have you followed the road which I told you not to follow? Have you kept the  company which I told you not to keep? Have you equally yoked with the unbelievers even though I told you not to do it? YET IN ALL THESE RETURN BACK UNTO ME.
Malachi 3:6-7
Verse 7: yet from the days of your fathers ‘You have gone away from My ordinances and have not kept them
Return to Me and I will return to you says the Lord of hosts... (NKJV)
This is a call from the heart of the Almighty God. The Lord want you to come back with the sincerity of your heart, not to be religious people, Sunday, Sunday Christian.  Eh! I go to this church and that church; the greatest breakthrough you can get is to have  a personal relationship with God , you will know His voice, when He speaks, you know this is the voice of the Lord that is speaking;  and that is the voice of the devil and the voice of a stranger you will not follow (John 10:3-5).
Why many Christians are failing today? Why many Christians are entering into troubles today? It is because they are in the House of God, but the House of God is not inside them. They are in the presence of God  but the presence of God is not inside them. Their hearts are far away from Almighty God  (Matt 15:8). Their treasures are on this earth, that is why their hearts are on this earth, they are thinking about the earthly things. They don’t sleep, they only think about their business, money etc. The storm of this world is blowing against their lives; they are afraid, they don’t want to hear anything about death.
They don’t want to be serious with the Lord. They are full of compromising. Are you one of the said people, today, the Lord is calling you to return. He will have mercy upon you and will not count your iniquities. The best thing that can ever happened to a Christian is when we are walking under the shadow of the Almighty God. Why the devil is not afraid of many Christians is because they are no longer in the flock of the Lord. They are outside the protection of God. 
The hedge of protection is longer around them. They are no longer walking under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. They are walking under the leadership of love of money, fame and power.
That is the reason why some people always want to kill themselves just to be known. They are under the  leadership of devil; you call them  brother or sister, they are ready to smashed your head. You have to call them Apostles, Bishops, Senior Superintendents, Prophet/prophetess all these titles will end on this earth brethren. why can’t you return to the Lord and be saved, secured and fulfilled.
We are in this last days we cannot afford to live a compromising lives, we can not afford to live a pretending live.
If you want to be a sinner, be a full time sinner, don’t be a part time sinner. Why are you wasting your time in the church if you don’t want to be serious in the Lord.
Go in the world and commit sin openly; be a full time sinner: when people look at you they will know that you are a full time sinner. You are working as a full openly; be a full time sinner: when people look at you they will know that you are a full time sinner. You are working as a full time sinner and you will receive your reward which is dead (Roman 6:23a)
If you want to be a Christian don’t be a part time Christian.
Look into your life, why do you want to choose some scriptures in the Bible that suit you.
Why can’t you allow the whole scriptures to change your life.
Where are you going to spend your eternity? Is it in Hell fire or in  Heaven?
The reason why God is calling you to return to Him, He knows that you ‘ve gone far away from Him. (Jeremiah 29:13)
Because of His mercies and grace; He said no matter how many sins you have indulge into or committed, you MUST return back to Him in the truth and in the Spirit. (Jeremiah. 3: 12-13)
We must return to Him with all your heart not your body. This is the time  of a call from God. He is looking at  your heart.
To obey Him no matter what it is going to cost you. Return in the sincerity of heart.(John 6:37)
If you stand during the time of   problems, death, persecution, and trials and endured; He will give you crown of glory and your eternal reward which is everlasting life. Do not hardened your heart thinking that you still have time or years ahead of you.
Do n’t say I wish I could be serious later. Don’t reject  change in your life now.
One day I will stand before Almighty God, He will ask me if I delivered the messages He gave me  as I ought to.
God is witnessing, Heaven is   recording every messages that have been sent to you in whatever way, it came to you and Heaven knows.
You have no excuses about all the messages you heard, Heaven has the records of them. These messages will be played; you will see how you were sitting down resisting the message in your heart.
Why do you choose to live in compromise, having a boyfriend and girlfriend,  because he or she is helping you to eat , dress and pay your house rent. Spiritual life is easy my dear, yours is to obey what God commanded you to do and you will reap eternal peace.
“You may ask yourself now” what must I do to be saved?


1.    Acknowledge your sins and come back to God (Rev.2:5)
2.    Set your heart right with God,
3.    Ask Him for forgiveness (John 6:37)
4.    Keep your garments clean.
(Jeremiah 3: 12-13; Isaiah 1:18)
5.    Develop a personal relationship with     God



Let us quietly bow down our head in prayer for confession and returning back to God.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for loving me; Father  I come back to you with all my heart and I asked you to have mercy upon me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Thank You for answering me and accepting  me in Jesus name. Amen


1.    O Lord, give me the grace to live a holy and righteous live in the name of Jesus.
2.    Every root of disobedience in me, be uprooted in the name of Jesus.
3.    Every enemy of God in my life , die in     the mighty name of Jesus.
4.    Thou handwriting of ordinances written against me, be blotted away by the blood of Jesus, in  the name of     Jesus.
5.    Any evil authority taking against my destiny be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus.
6.    You this month of January become a blessing in my life and not a curse in the name of Jesus.
7.    Every conspiracy over my destiny scatter in the name of Jesus.
8.    Every conspiracy over my family, scatter in the name of Jesus.



Topic: O LORD! CORRECT MY ERRORS There is an evil spirit known as the spirit of error and its agenda is to push the children of God in all kinds of errors. These errors come with human good reasons and feel extremely comfortable to commit the error/s. “We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error”1 John 4:6. This spirit has worked and hindered the works of God, because it succeeded to push men of God into all manners of errors. This spirit is so subtle that if we are not sober, we cannot even discover it. May the Lord set us free from this subtle spirit, in the name of Jesus. Praise and Worship Scriptures Reading: 1 Chro. 21, 1 Sam 5, 1 Sam 13:1-14, Eccl 9:10-11, Eccl 10:5-8, 2 Kings 13:14-19, Heb. 4:14-16 Confession: Ps. 27 Prayer Points 1. Father I thank you for the victory which I have in Christ Jesus, in the name of Jesus Christ. 2. Father forgive me any known or unknown sin, in the name of Jesus Christ. 3. Father forgive me any known or unknown sin of my ancestors, nation, and generation, in the name of Jesus Christ. 4. I put on the complete armour of God on my spirit man, in the name of Jesus. 5. I take authority over the remaining days of this year, in the name of Jesus Christ. 6. I take back any ground I have given to the enemy in my life, in the name of Jesus. 7. By the blood of Jesus, I stop and push back any satanic advancement against me, in the name of Jesus. 8. Any satanic encroachment in my life, die in the name of Jesus Christ. 9. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making financial errors, in the name of Jesus. 10. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making ministerial errors, in the name of Jesus. 11. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making business errors, in the name of Jesus. 12. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making marital errors, in the name of Jesus. 13. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making leadership errors, in the name of Jesus. 14. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making spiritual errors, in the name of Jesus. 15. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making parental errors, in the name of Jesus. 16. O Lord, show and correct me anywhere I am making spousal errors, in the name of Jesus. 17. Blood of Jesus! Quench any fire of error burning against me, in the name of Jesus. 18. Holy Spirit! Stop any flood of error raging against me, the name of Jesus. 19. O Lord arise and fire back any arrow of errors fired against me, in the name of Jesus. 20. O Lord arise and set me free from foundational errors, in the name of Jesus. 21. O Lord arise and set me free from generational errors, in the name of Jesus. 22. O Lord arise and set me free from environmental error, in the name of Jesus. 23. O Lord arise and set me free from seasonal error, in the name of Jesus. 24. O Lord deliver me from wrong identity, in the name of Jesus. 25. O Lord repair any damage done in my life because error, in the name Jesus. 26. O Lord restore all I have lost because of error, in the name of Jesus. 27. O Lord remove my feet from the paths of error, in the name of Jesus. 28. O Lord separate me from the congregation of error, in the name of Jesus. 29. O Lord arise and deliver me from the strongholds of error, in the name of Jesus. 30. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I trample on the spirit of error, in the name of Jesus. 31. I receive sound mind, in the name of Jesus. 32. I receive grace to know the mysteries of God, in the name of Jesus. 33. I abide in God’s secret place, in the name of Jesus. 34. Let the anointing of God, destroy the yokes of slumber in my life, in the name of Jesus. 35. Let GGDEM prosper, in the name of Jesus. 36. O Lord let GGDEM soar above the storms of life as you have said, in the name of Jesus. 37. Let the congregations of the wicked scatter by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus. 38. Thank You Lord for answering my prayers, in the name of Jesus. Pray as the Holy Spirit Gives You Utterance